Are you excited to be traveling to the States to show “Across” at the George Lindsey Film Festival? If so, why?
I have just arrived at my gate at Amsterdam airport; it's 6.30 am over here so it was an early call. I'm very excited, first of all I've never left Europe before. Second I've never traveled like this all alone before. But most of all, I'm very excited my film will be shown at the other side of the world! 'Across' the ocean. It's great to see it doesn't only connect locally!
What was your inspiration for "Across"?
It's based on a short story written by (probably) Holland’s greatest and most influential comedian. When I read the original story it was fantastic to find out this great man had enjoyed my birthplace this much when he was young. He went to all the same places I did and acted and thought the same way, only it was at least 4 decades before me. It was as if my own youth was transported to the early sixties.
Why did you choose your birthplace, Terneuzen, the Netherlands, as the setting for “Across”?
I think that when you tell the most personal story possible it won't get any more universal!
How has film impacted your life?
A very great deal! I'm going across the world! People really react extremely good to it and yesterday in Amsterdam I've met with a great producer who wants to produce my first feature!
It raised me to be the person I am. I've learned so much about life through movies! Film has the power to enhance human insight, to understand why the most horrible acts happen. If everyone would understand each other’s actions there would be no more hate.
How would you like your films to impact others?
As if they have experienced something like they were there and want to go back to re-experience it because they had such a great time. It may be something that reminds them of their own experiences or may inspire them to live their own life! My ambitions reach further than that, but for this film that's about it. :)