We met our goal and had a sold out house for last night's premiere of "Muscle Shoals." UNA's Norton Auditorium holds 1650 people, and the audience was wonderful! But then, it's easy to be a good audience when you are watching a film that tells "the rest of the story." Most of our guests were from the Shoals, and most were hearing parts of the Muscle Shoals music history for the first time as the film touched on elements not always included when the area's history is discussed. And the music was more than amazing! To have the film followed by a Q&A led by John Paul White, and made up of the film's cinematographer Anthony Arendt, Rick Hall of Fame Studios, and muscians David Hood, Jimmy Johnson, and Spooner Oldham just capped off the evening's magic. The Lindsey Festival will always be thankful for the opportunity to premiere this beautiful and important film!