One of the morning news programs this week featured an interview with actor Bill Murray, and he talked about ditching his managers and publicists and taking control of his own schedule. Part of his scheduling now includes surprise “pop ins” at parties, events, etc. This got me to thinking about one of the things missing most from the George Lindsey UNA Film Festival since George’s passing almost three years ago – Humor. Sure, we find many occasions for laughter at the festival, but there hasn’t been a good Knock-Knock joke since our last festival with George. And I can’t think of a better comic actor to give us the funny back than Mr. Murray himself. So, the rest of this blog entry is addressed to Mr. Bill Murray, and the Lindsey Fest invites everyone who reads it to share on Facebook, Twitter, by old fashioned telephone if you have a direct line to Bill Murray, or any other creative force you can muster to pass our message along:
Dear Mr. Murray,
17 years ago, a very funny man named George Lindsey (you will remember him best, perhaps, from his role as “Goober” in The Andy Griffith Show) founded an international film festival at his alma mater so that students at the University of North Alabama would have better access to programs that would help them with their own aspirations as filmmakers, and also so folks in North Alabama would have better access to independent film. For the first 15 years the festival was full of humor, even if our special guests were very serious people; George would make sure even the most somber folk got the benefit of a good joke. We’ve tried pretty hard to carry the funny on our own – we’re screening an indie comedy called “Guest House” at this year’s fest, and our adopted funny lady, actress Natalie Canerday will be here - but to be honest, George often accused the festival director of being born without a funny bone, so we’re at a huge disadvantage. We hear you have taken your schedule into your own hands and that you occasionally pop in to interesting events or places that might need your particular gifts, and boy could we use them! We’re easy to find – we are in the Shoals, home of the famous Muscle Shoals sound and The Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail at The Shoals, some of the best golfing to be found in the south. We have plenty of good people, good food, and great film to offer you – we’re just craving a little comedy. You can learn more about us at www.lindseyfilmfest.com; all our contact information is there as well as a schedule of events for this year’s festival, March 6-8.
We need you Bill Murray!
Urgently and Sincerely,
The George Lindsey UNA Film Festival organizing committee
Dear Mr. Murray,
17 years ago, a very funny man named George Lindsey (you will remember him best, perhaps, from his role as “Goober” in The Andy Griffith Show) founded an international film festival at his alma mater so that students at the University of North Alabama would have better access to programs that would help them with their own aspirations as filmmakers, and also so folks in North Alabama would have better access to independent film. For the first 15 years the festival was full of humor, even if our special guests were very serious people; George would make sure even the most somber folk got the benefit of a good joke. We’ve tried pretty hard to carry the funny on our own – we’re screening an indie comedy called “Guest House” at this year’s fest, and our adopted funny lady, actress Natalie Canerday will be here - but to be honest, George often accused the festival director of being born without a funny bone, so we’re at a huge disadvantage. We hear you have taken your schedule into your own hands and that you occasionally pop in to interesting events or places that might need your particular gifts, and boy could we use them! We’re easy to find – we are in the Shoals, home of the famous Muscle Shoals sound and The Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail at The Shoals, some of the best golfing to be found in the south. We have plenty of good people, good food, and great film to offer you – we’re just craving a little comedy. You can learn more about us at www.lindseyfilmfest.com; all our contact information is there as well as a schedule of events for this year’s festival, March 6-8.
We need you Bill Murray!
Urgently and Sincerely,
The George Lindsey UNA Film Festival organizing committee